Family Score of 400,000: Gizmo Buddy

Last week I hit the Family Score of 400,000 on both of my accounts and got the Gizmo Buddy!

As you can see, the Gizmo Buddy is a cute little gold and blue robot:

family score 400000

The Gizmo Buddy is one of the several types of “Pet Buddies” you can buy, collect or win for your pets. These Pet Buddies float or fly around your pet in the Clubhouse. You used to be able to see Pet Buddies in your house as well, but that function hasn’t been restored yet since the release of Webkinz X.

Here’s what the Gizmo Buddy looks like in a room in the Clubhouse:

As I mentioned above, there are actually quite a few different Pet Buddies to choose from. One type is the “Zumbuddy.

Here’s an example of what a Zumbuddy looks like:


Zumbuddies unlock a special area of the Magical Forest called “Zumwhere,” where you can play with your Zumbuddies and earn prizes.

zumwhere magical forest

visit zums

Zumbuddies have their own room, and your pet can sit beside them and watch them play. Here is my Blue Avenue Kitten playing with her Zums:

zum room

Plush Zumbuddies are available on Amazon, such as Zreth, a Giggly Zum:


If you prefer the virtual versions, check out the Zumbuddies in the Ganz eStore. There are quite a few to choose from:

zumbuddies in estore

Speaking of the Ganz eStore, there are other types of Pet Buddies you can buy there as well. Right now there are 3 different Pet Buddies you can buy using your eStore points.

pet buddies in estore

There’s Cinder, the Baby Dragon:

cinder baby dragon

Melanie the Good Fairy:

melanie good fairy buddy

And Wanda the Bad Fairy:

wanda bad fairy buddy

What do you think about Pet Buddies? Do you have any Pet Buddies? Let me know in the comments for a special Zumbuddy surprise via Kinzpost!

2017 Webkinz Winterfest Cookies

Winterfest has arrived in Webkinz World, which means Winterfest Cookies have arrived at the Ganz eStore!


I love opening/unwrapping/unboxing mystery packages and foods on Webkinz. Whether it’s Fall Fest Soda or Christmas Tinsel Crackers, I’m hooked!

There are three different options for purchasing Winterfest Cookies – a single cookie, a 4 pack and a 6 pack – each costs a different amount of eStore points:


Here is a look at all of the prizes you can win in this year’s Winterfest Cookies:


So far I’ve bought 3 boxes, each containing six cookies. One of the prizes I was most hoping to win is the Girl’s Figure Skating Outfit, and I’ve got two! 🙂 I even got one of the Boy’s Figure Skating Outfits as well.

You can pair the Girl’s Figure Skating Outfit with the ice skates you can win from the floating snowflakes and make a really cute outfit.

Here’s my Blue Avenue Kitten Marilyn dressed as a figure skater:


This year’s grand prize is a Snow Fort Slide, and I was lucky enough to win one! Just as you probably guessed, the Snow Fort Slide is interactive – your pet can actually slide down it:


Here’s a few different views of the Snow Fort Slide, so you can see all of the details:


I made a really quick video (less than one minute!) of the prizes I’ve won so far:

Do you plan to purchase any Winterfest Cookies? Which prizes do you like best?

Back to School Fashion Blitz and my Blue Avenue Pomeranian

By now you probably know how much I love to collect clothes for my Webkinz pets. So naturally I was really excited when I saw that the eStore is doing a Back to School clothing promo. The special prices on these clothing items lasts until September 25th.


I had a hard time trying to decide which clothing items I wanted most. Finally I decided to go with some super cute items that are all related to school.

Here’s the outfit I put together. The model is my Blue Avenue Pomeranian (on sale for National Dog Day in the Odd Holidays section!):


The outfit is kind of silly, but I still love it! Posh Posh (my pomeranian) is wearing the Numbers & Figures Blazer, the Ruler Pattern Skirt, Eraser Shoes and the Book Stack Hat.

Here’s what all the different items look like separately:





Speaking of Posh Posh, I just adore my Blue Avenue Pomeranian.


I’ve had my eye on it for a while, and I bought it when it was on sale for National Dog Day. I also really want to adopt a Blue Avenue Kitten. I got the Blue Avenue wallpaper and flooring, and I’m starting to work on a glamorous “posh” room for Posh Posh to match her Pet Specific Item, this beautiful day lounger:


Here’s what I have so far:


Which Back To School fashions are your favorite? Do you like the Blue Avenue theme? Let me know in the comments for a school-themed prize via Kinzpost!