2017 Webkinz Winterfest Cookies

Winterfest has arrived in Webkinz World, which means Winterfest Cookies have arrived at the Ganz eStore!


I love opening/unwrapping/unboxing mystery packages and foods on Webkinz. Whether it’s Fall Fest Soda or Christmas Tinsel Crackers, I’m hooked!

There are three different options for purchasing Winterfest Cookies – a single cookie, a 4 pack and a 6 pack – each costs a different amount of eStore points:


Here is a look at all of the prizes you can win in this year’s Winterfest Cookies:


So far I’ve bought 3 boxes, each containing six cookies. One of the prizes I was most hoping to win is the Girl’s Figure Skating Outfit, and I’ve got two! 🙂 I even got one of the Boy’s Figure Skating Outfits as well.

You can pair the Girl’s Figure Skating Outfit with the ice skates you can win from the floating snowflakes and make a really cute outfit.

Here’s my Blue Avenue Kitten Marilyn dressed as a figure skater:


This year’s grand prize is a Snow Fort Slide, and I was lucky enough to win one! Just as you probably guessed, the Snow Fort Slide is interactive – your pet can actually slide down it:


Here’s a few different views of the Snow Fort Slide, so you can see all of the details:


I made a really quick video (less than one minute!) of the prizes I’ve won so far:

Do you plan to purchase any Winterfest Cookies? Which prizes do you like best?