Exploring the Countryside Christmas Theme

A brand new theme has arrived at the Wshop just in time for the winter holiday season. It’s the Countryside Christmas theme, and it was chosen as the winner out of three different themes by readers on Webkinz Newz.


The Countryside Christmas theme is interesting because it creates an outdoor scene, but you build it in an indoor room. The outdoor look is achieved through the wallpaper and flooring.


Another interesting aspect of the Countryside Christmas theme is the Cottage Kit, which you must build by asking your friends for materials.


But before we delve too much further into the individual pieces of the theme, let’s take a look at the big picture. The Countryside Christmas theme is made up of 13 pieces. These pieces range in price from 800 to 180 kinzcash, with the Cottage Kit being the most expensive item in the theme.

Here’s a look at all of the individual pieces in the Countryside Christmas collection:


The Countryside Toboggan Hill is the second most expensive piece at 600 kinzcash. The Toboggan Hill is interactive – your pet can actually slide down the hill on a little sled:


As you can see in the gif above, my Countryside Cottage is still a work in progress. You build the cottage in three stages, and each stage requires that you ask your friends (including Webkinz Hosts like Amanda Panda and Ms. Birdy) for the supplies.

Here are the three stages of the Countryside Cottage:


One piece of the Countryside Christmas theme that I especially like is the Pine Tree. The Pine Tree is neat because it actually has four different “looks,” depending on which way the tree is turned:

I like how the size of the tree and the pattern of the snow both change as you turn the tree.

The Countryside Christmas theme contains two different types of tiles – Road Tiles and Frozen Creek Tiles.

First up are the Road Tiles, which look like a vehicle has driven through the snow. There is a straight piece and a curved piece:


The Frozen Creek Tiles, just like their name suggests, look like a frozen body of water running through your outdoor scene. There’s a straight piece and a curved piece here also:


The fence pieces in the Countryside Christmas theme are interesting because even though the two types look alike, they actually work in two completely different ways.

With the Countryside Christmas Fence, you can place it anywhere INSIDE your room:


However, the Countryside Border Fence is for outdoor rooms and must be placed along the EDGES of your room:


The last two pieces of the Countryside Christmas theme are the Christmas Tree and the Snow Covered Lamp Post, both of which will mix and match well with other holiday themes:

So what do you think about the Countryside Christmas theme? Do you plan to buy some of the pieces or maybe even create a whole room? Which piece of the theme is your favorite? Let me know in the comments – the first five people to comment will get a Countryside Christmas gift via kinzpost!