The Great Trophy Chase

If you’ve read a few of my blog posts, you’ve probably figured out that I really like to collect trophies! I decided to go on a little mission through the month of March and chase down as many new trophies as I can! Want to join me?

I’m calling it The Great Trophy Chase, and I hope to make it an annual tradition.


I haven’t figured out what all I’m going to do yet, but I’m so excited that I wanted to go ahead and share my idea. We’ll have contests, giveaways, tips, advice and great information.

You know sometimes I can get busy with my real world life, so even though The Great Trophy Chase is a March event, I’m going to get started now and get some posts going this last few days of February.

I’d love to hear your ideas – what kind of posts, contests and giveaways would you like to see during The Great Trophy Chase? (Don’t worry – I’ll still be making other posts about all kinds of topics, too!)

So let’s chase down those trophies! On your mark, get set…GO! 🙂


Quick Tip: Finding the Leprechaun

leprechaun chase

The search for the Leprechaun officially started today (March 11th), and I’ve got a quick tip on how to make the search easier.

To win the grand prize, you need to find the Leprechaun in the Clubhouse once a day every day through March 17th, which is St. Patrick’s Day. The grand prize is pretty cool this year – a “lucky” go kart:

lucky go kart

Finding the Leprechaun once a day doesn’t sound too hard, and it’s not really hard, just pretty boring. Basically, you enter any room in the Clubhouse and just wait for the Leprechaun to appear. Sometimes you wait and wait and wait…

I don’t have any advice for making the Leprechaun magically appear, but I can tell you how I make the process less tedious. It’s really simple – turn up the volume on your computer!

When the Leprechaun appears he announces his presence with a little saying in an Irish accent. So, the good news is that you don’t have to sit and stare at the Clubhouse. Just minimize the window, find another site to browse or play a game on Webkinz Newz, and wait until you hear the Leprechaun’s arrival. Then open the window back up and click on him to be awarded one of six colored “jelly coins.”

Here’s what the Leprechaun looks like in the Clubhouse:

leprechaun in clubhouse

Have you found the Leprechaun yet? Are you excited about the lucky go kart?