Tips and Hints: Get Eleven Solitaire


The Get Eleven Solitaire Trophy Challenge is underway, so it seemed like the perfect time to share some hints and tips I’ve learned for winning big at Get Eleven Solitaire.

game screenshot

Here’s how the game works – you’ve got a pyramid of cards that need to be cleared. In order to clear the cards you need to create groupings of 2 or more cards that add up to the number 11.

game board

If you need help, click on the draw pile to get additional cards…but be careful! The cards from the draw pile will be added to your pyramid, which means more cards to clear before you can pass the level.

Here’s a look at the game in action:

The game is timed, and the higher the level you reach, the less time you’re given to clear the board. If you run out of moves or time, the game is over.



So now that we’ve taken a look at how to play Get Eleven Solitaire, let’s talk about a few hints for reaching higher levels and getting a better score.

The first thing to know is how to use the “Bonus Cards.” Bonus cards appear in the column on the right side of the game.

You earn Bonus Cards by clearing 5 groupings in a row without clicking on the draw pile.

bonus card info

When you earn a Bonus Card, you’ll hear a special ringing sound. The card will pop up in the Bonus Card column, and it’s now available to be used to help clear the deck.

You do NOT have to use the Bonus Card in order to pass the level. However, unused Bonus Cards will disappear at the end of each level. Also, you do not have to use the Bonus Card before you can earn additional Bonus Cards. It’s possible to save them up and even use multiple cards in one grouping.

multiple bonus cards

In order to pass the higher levels of Get Eleven Solitaire, you’ll need to be fast. One way I’ve been able to speed up my game is to memorize the pairs that add up to eleven. For example, if I know that 8 + 3 = 11, then whenever I see an 8 I’ll look for a 3 and vice versa.

Memorizing the four pairs below will help you clear your pyramids much faster:

get eleven solitaire webkinz

One last tip I have for Get Eleven Solitaire is to just forget about the clock.


Focus on adding up the cards as quickly as possible and don’t worry about how much time you have left. In a game like this, even the seconds count, so you don’t want to waste valuable time looking up at the countdown.

Other than those tips and hints, the best advice I can give is to just keep trying. 🙂 If you keep practicing, you’ll definitely see an improvement in your score.

What tips or hints do you have for Get Eleven Solitaire? Let me know in the comments!


Thoughts from the Treetop: October 5th


Sometimes I have a few small things I want to blog about, but none of them are enough to make up a whole post itself. Instead of “random posts,” I thought I’d start calling these “Thoughts from the Treetop.” 🙂

First, be sure you’re visiting Sophie in the Clubhouse – it’s a Wiz Kinz themed room, and you can click on Sophie to get one of these really pretty Emerald Jawbreaker candies.(It comes from the Wiz Kinz Jawbreaker Dispenser!) I love going to see Sophie and collecting all the different special foods she gives away!


Next, keep your eyes open for floating coins! The floating coins from a few months ago are back again, and so far each coin I’ve clicked is a gold coin – making it worth 250 kinzcash!




Here’s a bit of fun news for me – I hit the highest score of the day (I’m sure it didn’t last long!) on Get Eleven Solitaire recently. Doesn’t Posh Posh (my Blue Avenue Pomeranian) look proud? 🙂


That’s all of my random thoughts for today! As always, thanks for visiting Crazy 4 Webkinz!

Love, TreeHuggerJess

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