A Closer Look at 2018 White Chocolate Egg Prizes

I’m so excited! The 2018 White Chocolate Eggs have arrived in the Ganz eStore!


There are 8 different prizes you can win from this year’s white chocolate eggs, plus the Grand Prize, which is the Weathered Stone Cottage:

2018 white choc egg prizes

You can either purchase a carton of white chocolate eggs (a carton contains 6 eggs) for 5,000 eStore points or a single white chocolate egg for 2,500 eStore points.


I bought a couple of cartons this afternoon, and I love the prizes I won. I decided to make a short video showing the prizes I got as I “unboxed” the 12 eggs:

One thing you’ll notice about the prizes in the 2018 White Chocolate Eggs is that they coordinate with the prizes in the Chocolate Eggs that you can collect during Spring Celebration in Webkinz World that runs from March 23rd to April 1st.

For example, the Dragon Fly Wall Art and the Butterfly Wall Art match perfectly. The two decorations would look awesome together – maybe a flower themed room or a room with lots of purple and turquoise furniture.

I was lucky enough to win a Butterfly Wall Art prize from one of the white chocolate eggs I fed my pet:

butterfly wall art 2

The Butterfly Wall Art has such a realistic look to it. You can really see the glint of the beads that decorate the wire wings, and I like how the butterfly has dimension and folds away from the wall.

I’m not sure where the Butterfly Wall Art will go yet, but here’s a look at in a Year 10 Anniversary room. I probably wouldn’t leave it here, but the colors do go well together:

butterfly wall art

Speaking of butterflies, I simply adore the Playful Butterfly prize! The Playful Butterfly is an animated item and features butterflies that flutter in the air.

It wasn’t until I looked at the item in my dock that I realized that the Playful Butterfly actually has 4 different looks depending on which way the item is turned. The number and color of the butterflies changes:


I’m really excited about using the Playful Butterflies in the butterfly garden room that I’ve been working on.

You probably noticed the stream on the left side next to the Playful Butterflies. I built that stream out of the Fresh Water Stream Tiles. You can win straight and curved tiles:

fresh water stream tiles 2

The Fresh Water Stream Tiles have such a vibrant, spring feel. The blue of the water is like the clear skies, and little white spring flowers are growing along the banks with some rocks and willows.

If you like the the Creepy Creek Tiles from the Freaky Forest Theme, then you’re really going to love the Fresh Water Stream Tiles.

creepy creek tiles

You can always count on lots of different types of flowers being awarded during these chocolate egg events in Webkinz World. This year is no exception! When you feed your pet a 2018 White Chocolate Egg you could win one of three colors of Wild Rose Bushes: pink, blue and white.

wild rose bush

These rose bushes are full of brightly colored blossoms and would make a great addition to any garden. As you can see in the picture below, the Wild Rose Bushes are quite a bit taller than the other flowers that you can win during the Spring Celebration:

wild rose bush size

I still haven’t won a Spring Chick Plushy, so the last prize I have to show you today is the Iron Wood Side Table:

iron wood side table

The Iron Wood Side Table is a cute match with the Iron Wood Watering Can:

iron wood table with watering can

I’ll probably put my Iron Wood Side Table in an outdoors room to create the look that my pet is working on their garden. But, the table does look good in an indoor room as well, such as the farmhouse room I’ve been building from Jumbleberry Fields prizes:

farm house room

What is your favorite prize from the 2018 White Chocolate Eggs? Let me know in the comments!


Adopting a Webkinz Carrots Bunny

The Carrots Bunny is the Webkinz Pet of the Month for April 2017.


This colorful spring bunny, who’s covered in carrots, is a perfect fit for the month of Easter.


Earlier this month I adopted a Carrots Bunny and got tons of cool Pet of the Month goodies and extras.


I named my Carrots Bunny “Veggie”:

adopting veggie

To see more of the Carrots Bunny, and to see the awesome prizes you get when you adopt a Pet of the Month, check out my adoption video:

2017 Spring Mystery Clothing Bags

I’m sure you can guess that I was *very* excited about the arrival of the 2017 Spring Mystery Clothing Bags at the Ganz eStore. I started out by buying four mystery clothing bags, and then I just kept buying and buying! 🙂

It’s been a while since I’ve made a video, so I decided to do one where I open/unbox all of the 2017 Spring Mystery Clothing Bags I purchased. There are so many that I had to do the video in fast motion.

If you like the clothes I won in my 2017 Spring Mystery Clothing Bags, then head over to the Ganz eStore and pick some up…they won’t be around forever! And don’t forget that Deluxe members get a discounted price!

I hope you enjoy the video!