We have a winner: Patty Hamster Giveaway



Thank you to everyone who entered my drawing for a free Patty Hamster! I used a randomizer to choose the winner and emailed the winner with their free Webkinz code.


Our winner says they will name their Patty Hamster “Finnian” and would use all that gold at the end of the rainbow to take their family on a vacation to Ireland!

If you didn’t win this time, don’t wory – I plan to have an Easter giveaway! Be on the lookout for directions on how to enter.

Thanks for being such awesome readers! 🙂

And Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


St. Patrick’s Day Giveaway: Patty Hamster!

I really enjoyed last month’s giveaway for a free Cinnamon Hamster, so I decided to give away another free Webkinz pet this month!

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I’m giving away a free Patty Hamster to one lucky winner!

patty hamster

Entering is easy. Simply send me an email and answer these two questions:

  1. What would you name your Patty Hamster?
  2. What would you buy if you found a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?

Send your email to natbrownnat@gmail.com


The deadline for entering my free Webkinz pet giveaway for a Patty Hamster is March 14th at midnight. I’ll select a random winner from a drawing and email the winner with their code on March 15th.


Thanks for being such awesome readers!

Good luck and Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you all!