My daily Webkinz Newz routine

Do you visit Webkinz Newz? I do! In fact, I visit the site every morning to get kinzcash, free food and daily prizes. If you visit every day, the prizes and kinzcash will really start to add up. It’s free, quick and easy!

Here’s what I do on Webkinz Newz each morning:

First I get my free food item by clicking to receive the daily freebie: “Monthly Meal.”

monthly meal

Each month is a new “monthly meal” food item. It usually relates to upcoming events or holidays in some way.

After I get my free food item, I return to the “Events” page to get started on the monthly “Peek-A-Newz.”

peek a newz


As I’m searching through Webkinz Newz to find the “host” five times and earn my Peek-A-Newz prize, I also take the short quiz (it’s just one question!) to earn a 50 kinzcash coin that’s sent to my Webkinz account. (The quiz changes each month.)


Right after I take the quiz, I make sure to also participate in the “Pick and Win” for another 50 kinzcash. The Pick and Win is fun because it’s just a quick poll that asks for your opinion, usually about which featured pet you like best. (The poll also changes each month.)

pick and win

All along the way, as I do these various activities, I’m also earning “moneyz.”


You can use your “moneyz” to buy prizes for your Webkinz account. These are special prizes that are only available for purchase through Webkinz Newz. (Hint: Webkinz Newz prizes do GREAT in the Trading Room!) You can earn up to 500 moneyz per day per account.

Here’s an example of a few of the prizes you can currently buy with moneyz:

wn prizes

Well, that about sums up my daily Webkinz Newz routine. What are your favorite things to do on Webkinz Newz?

March Peek-A-Newz Begins Today

Today is March 1st – which means a new Peek-A-Newz campaign has arrived at Webkinz Newz.

This month you’ll be looking to spot the pirate parrot, which is the POTM for March.

pirate peek a newz

Here’s the prize pool for this month’s Peek-A-Newz:

march peek a newz sneak peek

I really, really hope I win one of those Fred Rover couches from the “Rare” prize pool, and the Easter egg prize (a wardrobe maybe?) looks great, too!

Which prize are you hoping to win?

And while you’re searching for the pirate parrot, don’t forget to claim your Monthly Meal, the Sunrise Sandwich!

march monthly meal