Quick Tip: Fulfilling pet request for retail therapy

We all need a little retail therapy from time to time, and it looks like our Webkinz pets are no exception! 🙂

If you’ve been playing Webkinz since Webkinz X was released, then you’ve probably seen this request from your pets:

request for retail therapy

I love these requests because they’re not asking for anything specific. To fulfill the request, all you have to do is buy something – anything – from the WShop.

I’ve found that you get the most bang for your buck if you buy an apple:


An apple only costs 5 kinzcash, and it’s one of the first items (once you get past the pet specific foods) that you come to in the food section of the WShop. And what’s even better is that feeding your pet an apple will boost their hunger score by 32 points!

32 pts for apple

Do you have a favorite “go to” item when your pet requests retail therapy? Tell me about it in the comments below!