Deluxe Membership and Magic W Cat

My Deluxe Membership expired today…which also means that my renewed Deluxe Membership kicked in today. Kind of confusing, but that’s how it works. 🙂

With my Deluxe Membership officially renewing today, I finally got my January Deluxe Gift Box. This month’s prize was the Icy Grecian Crown. It matches the Icy Grecian Gown from a previous Deluxe Gift Box.

 jan deluxe gift box

I also got my eStore points deposited into my account. With what I had before, I am at a grand total of just over 18,000 eStore points. Not too shabby. 😉 I’m going to use them to celebrate Valentine’s Day and for the special Chinese New Year celebration I have planned.

What I was most excited about, however, is getting to adopt my 10 Year Magic W Cat!

kit kit adoption certificate

The 10 Year Magic W Cat was the free pet that came with the purchase of a 12 month Deluxe Membership when I purchased my membership renewal back on January 1st.

I adore cats of all kinds, and it’s cool to have a Webkinz pet that commemorates the 10 year anniversary of Webkinz. I named her Kit Kit, and she is cute as can be!

meet kit kit

Here’s Kit Kit all dressed up in a cute little outfit:

kit kit dressed

Are you a Deluxe Member? What did you think of this month’s gift box? Have you adopted a 10 Year Magic W Cat? Let me know in the comments!


Gearing up for Valentine’s Day

Everywhere you look, you can see that Webkinz World is gearing up for Valentine’s Day! Love is in the air…and so are prizes, challenges and awesome sales!

Even the homepage has been “redecorated” in honor of Valentine’s Day:

valentine homepage

I spot quite a few pets in this pic that I’d love to adopt! 🙂 Which one is your favorite?

Want a sneak peek at all that February has to offer? Head over to Webkinz Newz and check out the preview of the Valentine’s Day Events:

There’s a lot going on at the Ganz eStore, too. For instance, there’s “Tender Tuesdays.” Every Tuesday between now and February 9th you can find a handful of love-related eStore items on sale.

Here’s a few of the items that are on sale today (Jan 26th):

tender tuesday example

And, of course, there are loads of Valentine’s room items you can buy and even a few online Valentine’s pets to adopt.

I really love these four Valentine’s themed pets:

How do you plan to celebrate Valentine’s Day in Webkinz World? The first person to comment will receive a special Valentine’s gift via KinzPost!




Trading Cards – Check it out!

Have you ever bought any Webkinz Trading Cards? I’m kind of addicted. I’ve bought four or five boxes over the past couple of years. Each pack comes with five cards, one of which has a “feature code.” You log in to Webkinz, head to the Code Shop, enter the feature code…and BAM! You get a cool prize. It could be anything from kinzcash to coupons or rare items to Trading Card Exclusives.


Another cool thing about Trading Cards – with every box you purchase, you have a chance of winning a Mystery Pet. I’ve yet to purchase a box that didn’t have a Mystery Pet code, but you’re not guaranteed to get one. I’ve gotten a dalmatian, a frog, a toucan and a clown fish…and those are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head.


Want to learn more about Webkinz Trading Cards? Check out this video I made:

Mystery solved? Snowy Summit Wolf

UPDATE: Yes – the mystery has indeed been solved! My cute pet is the Snowy Summit Wolf! Here’s a sneak peek offered on Webkinz Newz:

snowy summit sneak peek

But…as you can in the pic above, Ganz still hasn’t released the details on how to adopt one. I’ll keep watching and report on what I find.

Looks like I may have solved the mystery of that cute snowy blue wolf I mentioned a while back. I came across an online pet at the Ganz eStore called a “Snowy Summit Wolf,” and it looked just like my adorable mystery pet.

The problem? I can’t find him again! I’ve searched all over the eStore, but can’t locate the Snowy Summit Wolf. Was it just a dream? LOL! I hope not!

Here’s another Snowy Summit Wolf sighting:

blue wolf

What do you think of the Snowy Summit Wolf? Have you been able to find it in the Ganz eStore?

Quick Tip: Fulfilling pet request for retail therapy

We all need a little retail therapy from time to time, and it looks like our Webkinz pets are no exception! 🙂

If you’ve been playing Webkinz since Webkinz X was released, then you’ve probably seen this request from your pets:

request for retail therapy

I love these requests because they’re not asking for anything specific. To fulfill the request, all you have to do is buy something – anything – from the WShop.

I’ve found that you get the most bang for your buck if you buy an apple:


An apple only costs 5 kinzcash, and it’s one of the first items (once you get past the pet specific foods) that you come to in the food section of the WShop. And what’s even better is that feeding your pet an apple will boost their hunger score by 32 points!

32 pts for apple

Do you have a favorite “go to” item when your pet requests retail therapy? Tell me about it in the comments below!

Winterfest Snowflake Cookies

Woohoo! I bought two boxes of Winterfest Snowflake Cookies from the Ganz eStore, and I won THREE of the grand prize: Fancy Frozen Piano!

frozen piano

I bought two packages of Winterfest Snowflake Cookies. I chose to buy the 5-pack, which is available at the eStore for 5000 points. The 3-pack is 4500 points. To me, it definitely seemed worth the extra 500 points to get two more cookies!


I thought it would be fun to make an “unboxing” video to show what happens when you open your box of Winterfest Snowflake Cookies and what types of prizes you can win.

Check out my video to see what Winterfest Snowflake Cookies are all about:

Have you purchased any Winterfest Snowflake Cookies? What prizes are you hoping to win?

New prizes awarded in balloon darts

Yesterday when I was playing Balloon Darts, I received a brand new prize – one I’ve never seen before. It was an “orange balloon darts balloon.” That’s a mouthful, isn’t it? 🙂

balloon darts prizes

It’s basically just a balloon, like the ones you get when you adopt a new pet. The difference is that these balloons are decorated with a picture of a dart.

Here’s what it looks like in a room:

balloon dart prize in room

I got another one of these balloon darts balloons while playing  Token Balloon Darts:

token balloon darts prize

This time it was a light blue balloon. Have you won any of these new balloons? What other brand new prizes have you uncovered?

New Arcade Game: Hatch The Dragon

With yesterday’s update came a brand new arcade game!

hatch the dragon

It’s called Hatch the Dragon, and currently it’s only available to Deluxe Members.

Hatch the Dragon is essentially a tile matching game. You slide the tiles up, down, left and right to make matches. But instead of disappearing when matched, the tiles merge together to make a different tile.

Here’s what the game board looks like after a few minutes of playing:

game board

Here’s how the tiles combine:

tile chart

As you can see, I haven’t made it past the reddish brown rock with the eyes. I’m not sure how many more combinations it takes to finally “hatch the dragon,” but I’m going to keep working on it!

I made a short video to show what it looks like to play Hatch the Dragon. You’ll notice that you can’t swap individual tiles. Instead, the entire row shifts. That seems to make the game more difficult than a typical matching game.

Check out the video to see what I mean:

What do you think of this new game? So far, it’s been pretty addictive! Fingers crossed that you win a trophy if you finally do hatch the dragon!

Monthly Meal – Webkinz Newz Giveaway

Ganz has definitely been supplying us with reasons to keep coming back to Webkinz Newz even though the Days of Giving are over! The newest giveaway is called the “Monthly Meal.”

montly meal

This month’s “meal” is a free chicken salad sandwich – you can get one sandwich per account per day. Just head over to the “Events” section of Webkinz Newz and click the picture.

Here’s the link:

You’ll also get 88 Moneyz each time you claim your free meal!

What do you think of this new giveaway? Let me know in the comments below!