Free Webkinz Codes and Free Webkinz Items

Hello all of my Webkinz friends! I’ve rounded up quite a few codes for free Webkinz items, and I’m going to share them with you here today.

First up is the three codes you need for this cheerful, yellow table set:

fresh air dining set

Chair #1: W243-MDVD-R44F-JX3S

Chair #2: W24M-S6H8-MZTV-QTC2


Do you miss the 2017 Milk Chocolate Eggs that were floating around Webkinz World? Well, you’re in luck! Here are 3 codes for 3 free chocolate eggs!

Egg #1: W24E-2Q5D-SALD-G6Y8

Egg #2: W24L-B7WW-9Y37-9B6W

Egg #3: W24Y-C8FZ-UA97-WLGS

Speaking of eggs, remember the cool prizes you can only win when you feed your pet a 2017 White Chocolate Egg from the Ganz eStore?

white chocolate egg

Here’s one of the prizes for free!

white chocolate egg prize

Pink Wild Flowers: W24K-3X7N-4KUD-Q43J

While we’re finishing up our Easter and spring prize collections, don’t forget to enter the code to win this super cute Candy Egg Picnic Basket:

candy eggs picnic basket

Basket: W24N-6NB3-PN6C-W92W

If you’re going on a picnic, you’ll need something to wear, so get yourself a free Webkinz shirt with this code!

drippy magic w shirt

Drippy Magic W Shirt: W24R-ACMA-TEUA-ZGGW

Our friend Dr. Quack is giving away a bottle of his miracle tonic with this code:


Dr. Quack’s Miracle Tonic: W24A-M5D9-VB3W-RDSL

Want a treat? How about a yummy banana slushie!

banana slushie

Banana slushie: W24P-44LR-DSUQ-X7AS

Last but not least, add to your Baked Goods collection and cook up more Bake Sale prizes with this code for a Bake Sale Cake Pop.

bake sale cake pop

Cake Pop: W24D-VFU6-BJ2S-VECL

I hope you enjoy all these awesome free Webkinz codes! 🙂

Adopting a Webkinz Carrots Bunny

The Carrots Bunny is the Webkinz Pet of the Month for April 2017.


This colorful spring bunny, who’s covered in carrots, is a perfect fit for the month of Easter.


Earlier this month I adopted a Carrots Bunny and got tons of cool Pet of the Month goodies and extras.


I named my Carrots Bunny “Veggie”:

adopting veggie

To see more of the Carrots Bunny, and to see the awesome prizes you get when you adopt a Pet of the Month, check out my adoption video:

A Brand New Bake Sale Has Arrived!

Today is the start of the brand new Webkinz bake sale celebration! From now through April 30th, you can collect different baked goods and combine them on a stove to “cook up” one of 10 awesome prizes.


Last year’s Bake Sale was so much fun! I’m really excited that Ganz brought it back with new prizes and goodies! I have a few tips for Bake Sale success that I posted last year – click here to read the post and see how you can make the most of this bake sale fun.

baking stuff

Let’s start with the basics – if you want to cook up prizes, you first need to collect the ingredients. The ingredients are 5 different kinds of baked goods, and there are actually 5 different ways to collect them!

  1. “Today’s Annoucements” – you get one baked good just for logging into your account.
  2. Spin the Wheel of Yum – make sure you head over to Today’s Activities to spin the Wheel of Yum and collect another baked good. (and maybe even win a Blueberry Prize Pie!)
  3. Looking for floating baked goods in Webkinz World. Keep your eyes open for the floating baked goods all around Webkinz World – you can collect up to 5 per day!
  4. Floating gift box on Webkinz Newz. When you’re doing your daily activities on Webkinz Newz, be on the lookout for the floating blue and white gift box. Click on it to send a gift box back to your Webkinz account – it will contain one baked good!
  5. Keep checking Today’s Activities – throughout the day there will be random baked good giveaways, so check the Today’s Activities list to find out when.

As I mentioned above, in total there are 5 different types of baked goods (and they all look so yummy!):


Even though these foods look super yummy, remember that you must cook a specific combination of baked goods on a stove in order to get the prizes – simply feeding them to your pet won’t work. (All of the recipes are available in a cookbook that you get for free just for logging into your account!)


The prizes for this year’s Bake Sale are a little different. There’s no particular theme like last year where you could build a sweet shop or a school cafeteria. This year is a mixture of furniture and accessories that will work with many different themes. There are 10 prizes total – are you going to try to cook up all 10?

baking mitt

Don’t forget about the Grand Prize! Feed your pet a slice of Blueberry Prize Pie for a chance to win this awesome nautical-themed bunk bed:

blueberry prize pie grand pie

You can purchase a piece of Blueberry Prize Pie in the Ganz eStore for 2500 eStore points.

blue berry prize pie estore

Or, if you’re lucky, you might win one when you spin the Wheel of Yum!

I purchased one slice of Blueberry Prize Pie and won another through the Wheel of Yum this morning. Take a look below to see what prizes I got:

Here’s a peek at 3 of the prizes I’ve collected so far:

First is the Mega Modern Carpet, which actually has two different styles/designs depending on which way you turn it:

mega modern carpet design 1

mega modern carpet design 2

(This carpet is in a room that I’m building for my Blue Avenue Pomeranian!)

Next is the Campkinz Lake Tile, which is smaller than I thought it would be:

campkinz lake tile

I’m hoping I can make enough Campkinz Lake Tiles to fill up the ocean scene I’ve been working on:

yacht on the ocean

You can see that I’ve used the Cozy Yacht Bed and several items available exclusively on Vacation Island. (Vacation Island is only available to Deluxe members!)

Last up I have the Fancy Hotel Dining Chair:

fancy hotel dining chair

I’m really excited about this prize because it’s a perfect fit for the Hotel Theme. As you can see, I paired the Fancy Hotel Dining Chair with the Fancy Hotel Dining Table you can buy with Wish Tokens in the Wish Factory. (Remember that Deluxe members can earn tokens each day by spinning the Wheel of Wishes!)

Which of the Bake Sale prizes are your favorites? What’s your plan for collecting as many Baked Goods as possible? Let me know in the comments, and I’ll send you a prize from last year’s Bake Sale! 🙂

2017 Spring Mystery Clothing Bags

I’m sure you can guess that I was *very* excited about the arrival of the 2017 Spring Mystery Clothing Bags at the Ganz eStore. I started out by buying four mystery clothing bags, and then I just kept buying and buying! 🙂

It’s been a while since I’ve made a video, so I decided to do one where I open/unbox all of the 2017 Spring Mystery Clothing Bags I purchased. There are so many that I had to do the video in fast motion.

If you like the clothes I won in my 2017 Spring Mystery Clothing Bags, then head over to the Ganz eStore and pick some up…they won’t be around forever! And don’t forget that Deluxe members get a discounted price!

I hope you enjoy the video!

Family Score of 400,000: Gizmo Buddy

Last week I hit the Family Score of 400,000 on both of my accounts and got the Gizmo Buddy!

As you can see, the Gizmo Buddy is a cute little gold and blue robot:

family score 400000

The Gizmo Buddy is one of the several types of “Pet Buddies” you can buy, collect or win for your pets. These Pet Buddies float or fly around your pet in the Clubhouse. You used to be able to see Pet Buddies in your house as well, but that function hasn’t been restored yet since the release of Webkinz X.

Here’s what the Gizmo Buddy looks like in a room in the Clubhouse:

As I mentioned above, there are actually quite a few different Pet Buddies to choose from. One type is the “Zumbuddy.

Here’s an example of what a Zumbuddy looks like:


Zumbuddies unlock a special area of the Magical Forest called “Zumwhere,” where you can play with your Zumbuddies and earn prizes.

zumwhere magical forest

visit zums

Zumbuddies have their own room, and your pet can sit beside them and watch them play. Here is my Blue Avenue Kitten playing with her Zums:

zum room

Plush Zumbuddies are available on Amazon, such as Zreth, a Giggly Zum:


If you prefer the virtual versions, check out the Zumbuddies in the Ganz eStore. There are quite a few to choose from:

zumbuddies in estore

Speaking of the Ganz eStore, there are other types of Pet Buddies you can buy there as well. Right now there are 3 different Pet Buddies you can buy using your eStore points.

pet buddies in estore

There’s Cinder, the Baby Dragon:

cinder baby dragon

Melanie the Good Fairy:

melanie good fairy buddy

And Wanda the Bad Fairy:

wanda bad fairy buddy

What do you think about Pet Buddies? Do you have any Pet Buddies? Let me know in the comments for a special Zumbuddy surprise via Kinzpost!