About Me

I’m TreeHuggerJess, and I’m crazy about Webkinz! I live in Georgia with my wonderful  husband, two cats, a Pomeranian and a German Shepherd. I enjoy hiking, volunteering, spending time with family and friends, watching way too much TV and, of course, playing Webkinz!

I started this blog to (hopefully) connect with other Webkinz fans, so we can share our ideas and tips and just have fun! 🙂

Feel free to add me on Webkinz. My two accounts are gabirdgirl and treehuggerjess


  1. I was wondering if you could answer a question for me. Are any of the sticker cards of value? I’m selling a set of cards on eBay with a few sticker cards included and someone just wants to buy one of the sticker cards for $1. I’ve tried to find info online with no luck. She said it’s of no value and she’s just a collector of stickers but I’m unsure. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


    • That’s a really good question! Honestly, right offhand I don’t know much about the possible value of trading cards. I would guess that they don’t really have any special value as of right now. It’s possible that they could become more valuable as time goes by depending on the demand vs the supply, but that’s just a guess. I’ll do some research and see if I can dig anything up.


  2. I really like your blog and use it regularly! Question for you: Do you have any estore points for trade? I can give you whatever you want for them and you can add me at unicorn559. I really wish I could buy them myself, but I’m really embarrassed that a fourteen year old girl would want to buy webkinz for herself. If you are interested in what I have to offer please reply as soon as you can and the number of points (if you are doing this trade) would be 7000 points and I would use it to buy the phoenix webkinz! Thanks!


  3. Hi. i just found your blog and it is really informative. I’ve been a Webkinz fan since 2006 and have over 500 pets. Thanks for posting the codes for the free items as I had missed some of them. Do you have the code for the bottom shell of the egg costume that I missed on the weekend? Also, do you have any hints for finishing the strength class at the Academy? Since Ganz fixed the Academy I can’t win this class anymore; it’s too fast. Anyway, great job on your blog! PS I’m from the west coast and recently visited Georgia – beautiful state!


    • Hi Barbara! Thank you so much for your kind words. 🙂 It’s so awesome to hear from my fellow Webkinz fans and hear from folks who have been enjoying my blog. I do have the egg shell code. It’s W24E-XXD7-MMP8-BFZS. I haven’t been to the west coast since I was an itty bitty baby, but I’d love to visit again. I’d especially love to see San Francisco. I agree, Georgia is a beautiful state. 🙂 Lots of trees, which I love!


  4. Hi! I’m relatively new to Webkinz, and I’m delighted to have found your blog. It’s amazing! I sent you friend requests, but I’ve noticed that the invite button seems to be missing from the KinzPhone, and so even if you accept the requests, I have no idea how to actually communicate with you. I’m sure I’m missing something as the WebKinz interfaces are still unfamiliar to me, but maybe you’ll have some suggestion? I’ll check your blog for a reply, but it looks like it’s possible to fill in my email address below privately, so I’ve done that as well. The name I’ve posted this comment under is my WebKinz account name. I’m a Deluxe member, if that makes any difference to modes of communication. Thanks! I look forward to talking with you, since you look like a real expert!


    • Hi! Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m glad my blog has been helpful. 🙂 You can’t really do any real communicating with the Webkinz phone. Most “chat” functions on Webkinz only allow you to use pre-written phrases. If you ever have any questions about Webkinz, you can always post here or you can email me at natbrownnat@gmail.com. I accepted your friend requests on both of my accounts. Did you get a notification about that? Thank you again for visiting my blog. I’m always happy to help, and if I don’t know the answer, I can usually point you in the right direction. 🙂 Have a great weekend!


  5. Hello, I added your two accounts in webkinz world. My account is dragster1963. I would love to get some wacky fizz sodas and possibly trade you for the Wacky snack machine(the one on left pictured on your page next to orange zangoz soda) Would even be willing to let you pick something from ganz estore for the snack machine.


  6. I just recently got back into Webkinz and found your website which is a blessing and a half. But, I find that I cannot get hold of a Webkinz with a code and a lot of things on Webkinz are ‘locked’ until I go deluxe or adopt a new pet. Any suggestions?


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