Your privacy and your safety

I’ve posted about safety and privacy before,  but it’s such an important issue that I decided a reminder would be a good idea. Your privacy and safety are incredibly important to me, and I take care to protect you from scammers and spam.

I will NEVER ask you for your Webkinz password – never, never – so if someone contacts you saying they’re TreeHuggerJess and asks for your password, don’t respond. It’s a scammer.

The only reason I ever ask for someone’s username is to send a gift through Kinzpost. If you don’t want to post your username, you don’t have to. I want you to feel comfortable. An alternative is to email me with your username at so you don’t have to post publicly.

The only way I can award an eStore item as a prize is to email you with the code. If you want to enter a contest or giveaway for an eStore code, I need an email address. Gmail addresses are free, so you can make a side account and use that if  you’d rather not share your main email address.

I’m in contact with the folks at Ganz, so I will know if someone is pretending to be from Ganz when they post a comment or email me. If someone pretends to be from Ganz or to work for Ganz, I will have no choice but to block  you and ban you so that none of my readers get scammed.

Thank you to all of my awesome readers! You all mean the world to me, and I want to be able to continue to give away prizes. Let’s not let a bad apple spoil the bunch for all of us. You can email me anytime if you think someone is trying to use my blog to scam you:
