We have a winner: Cinnamon Hamster Giveaway

cinnamon hamster sparkle

Thank you all for your entries for the Cinnamon Hamster giveaway! It’s the most entries I’ve ever had for a contest, so that’s really exciting! 🙂

I don’t like to post anyone’s username without their permission, but here’s what the winner had to say about names and Valentine’s Day:

“I would name my hamster Spadie. My favorite thing about Valentine’s Day is the excuse to eat an unlimited supply of chocolate!”

Congratulations to our winner –  I love all the candy on Valentine’s Day, too!


I’ll have another Webkinz Hamster giveaway in March to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, so be sure to check back.

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!


Free Webkinz Pet: Cinnamon Hamster Giveaway!


Let’s celebrate Valentine’s Day with a giveaway! I have a code for a FREE Cinnamon Hamster that I want to give to one of my readers. 🙂

cinnamon hamster design

Here’s how to enter:

Send me an email with these two pieces of info:

  1. What you would name your Cinnamon Hamster?
  2. What is your favorite thing about Valentine’s Day?

My email address is: natbrownnat@gmail.com

The deadline for entries is midnight on Sunday, February 11th. I’ll select a winner through a random drawing. The winner will receive the code for their Cinnamon Hamster on February 12th.

Easy peasy, right? 🙂

Good luck!

cinnamon hamster stripes