A Closer Look: Berry Farm Bouncy Castle

Wow! It seems like such a long time ago that I posted about the new prizes available in Jumbleberry Fields! It’s taken me quite a while to save up enough Moonberries to get the Berry Farm Bouncy Castle, but I finally did it!

This morning I got the last Moonberry I needed to fill up my jar and trade it in for the Berry Farm Bouncy Castle:


As you can see from the pictures, the Berry Farm Bouncy Castle is a jump/bounce house that looks like a red barn with a tall silo. You can turn the castle all four ways and get four different views:


As you probably guessed, the Berry Farm Bouncy Castle is interactive. Your pet can bounce up and down in this item:


Do you have the Berry Farm Bouncy Castle? Are you saving up for one? Let me know in the comments for a Jumbleberry Fields prize via Kinzpost!

If you want to fill up your jars more quickly, you can head to the Ganz eStore and pick up some growing seeds for your garden!