Adopting a Webkinz Curly Lion

The Curly Lion is the August Pet of the Month, and I was lucky to find one at Five Below a few months ago. I’d been saving the Curly Lion, and I was so excited when it was announced that the Curly Lion would be the Pet of the Month for August.

I love the Curly Lion because it’s so unique. The Curly Lion getsĀ  its name from the curly ribbons that make up its mane and tail.


The curls are so fun and bouncy:

The Curly Lion has a long tail made of orange, yellow and brown ribbon:

One detail I really love about the Curly Lion are its eyebrows – they give its face so much personality and expression:


My Curly Lion is a boy, and I decided to name him “Steelo”:


You can see from the picture that the Curly Lion looks just as cute in Webkinz World as it does in real life. I think his curls are so adorable!

adoption certificate

I really like the Curly Lion’s “Pet Specific Item. It’s called the “Majestic Wardrobe,” and it’s even decorated with curls!

majestic wardrobe

If you click on the Majestic Wardrobe, you’ll see that it’s also a storage container for clothes:

inside majestic wardrobe

Because the Curly Lion is August’s Pet of the Month, Steelo came with a special Pet of the Month gift box that included a Wish Token and 5 bonus Spree rolls.

But the best part of adopting a Pet of the Month is choosing your special Pet of the Month bonus gift!

I have quite a few of the Pet of the Month bonus gifts from adopting different pets and from the Trading Room. This time I decided to select the “Dex Dangerous Telescope.”

dex dangerous telescope

The Dex Dangerous Telescope is interactive. When you click on it, you get to look through the telescope at the stars….and a few surprises may even pop up if you watch for long enough!

After I chose my Pet of the Month bonus gift, I took Steelo to my “Filling Hearts Room” for some exercise. I recently revamped my Filling Hearts Room on my GABirdGirl account. As you can see, I used several items from the new “Ohh La La” theme available in the Ganz eStore.

Steelo went for a swim in the Stone Tile Swimming Pool:

Jumped on a trampoline:

Ran on a treadmill:

And even took a quick nap in the Ohh La La Bed:

After I filled up my Curly Lion’s heart, I decided to try a few outfits on him.

Here’s the park ranger outfit you might win with the 2017 Spring Mystery Clothing Bags:

park ranger

Then onto the Suave Turtleneck, which was this month’s gift for Deluxe Members:

leisure suit

Last but not least, here’s Steelo as an Arabian Prince. I think I like this outfit the best:

arabian prince outfit

If you want to adopt your own Curly Lion, head over to the Ganz eStore. You can pick up the virtual Curly Lion for 8,000 eStore points. (Purchase eStore points at the Ganz eStore.)

pet of month estore

Or, if you want the plush, it’s available for $12.99!


So that’s my look at adopting a Curly Lion. šŸ™‚ What do you think about the Curly Lion? Let me know in the comments!


Adopting a Webkinz Summer Beaver

July is a great month to adopt a Summer Beaver in Webkinz World!

summer beaver webkinz

If you have a Summer Beaver, you’ll get to enjoy bonus activities each day throughout July – like the Reindeer Games in December and the Lovely Fox bonus activities in February:

todays activities

I adopted my Summer Beaver this afternoon.

I purchased mine through the Ganz eStore, but they’re also available on Amazon. (If you have Amazon Prime you’ll get free 2 day delivery!).

I named my Summer Beaver “Sunshine.”

summer beaver

There’s lots about the Summer Beaver that I love. For starters, the colors are really pretty, mostly pink but with some mottling of purple and gold as well:


I also like the waffle tail:


And the Summer Beaver has a super cute Pet Specific Item, called the Warm River Spa:

After I adopted Sunshine, I wanted to see how she would look playing in Webkinz World. First up was a dip in the pool:

Then some bouncing on the Fun Floor Trampoline:

Last was a nice jog on the treadmill:

Of course, after all that playing, Sunshine was tired and needed a little nap:

sleeping sunshine

I’m still trying to find the perfect outfit for Sunshine. I do like the way she looks in this Flower Petal Wig (an eStore item that matched the April 2016 Deluxe monthly gift):


What do you think of the Summer Beaver? Are you planning to adopt one this month?

Come join in the Reindeer Games!


I was doing some Christmas shopping last night, and I popped into Five Below to look for Webkinz. I was excited to see that they had a few reindeer plushies. I have a couple of reindeer on my TreeHuggerJess account that I adopted with my nephew, but none on my gabirdgirl account. So why was I excited about finding a reindeer? Because of the Reindeer Games, of course!

During the month of December, reindeer owners get a special game to play each day in the “Todays Activities” section. And, there’s even going to be a special prize you can collect on Christmas – the Countryside Christmas Stable:


The Reindeer Games started last year, when Ganz ran a special sale on an pack of eight reindeer. Ganz brought the Reindeer Games back again this year and so far it looks like it’s going to be even better!

One of the best things about the reindeer I got at Five Below was the price…it was only $2.50! And that’s for a full size Webkinz!

I named my reindeer Rhonda…


And I dressed her up for Christmas!


I also love the PSI (pet specific item) that comes with the reindeer – this cute little red sleigh (“Far North Sleigh”) that your pet can ride in:



Click here for a list of the Reindeer Games activities and prizes happening this December.

If you don’t have a Five Below, but you still want to join in the Reindeer Games a plush version and an online only version of the reindeer are both available in the Ganz eStore.

Autumn Adventure: Black Panther Room Design Contest

I have some exciting news to share! I was one of five winners selected in this month’s Webkinz Newz room design contest.


We were challenged to create a room where the Black Panther (October’s Pet of the Month) could go on an awesome autumn adventure. I designed an outdoor room called the “Golden Apple Orchard.”


As one of the five winners, I recieved a code for a virtual Black Panther. I adopted my Black Panther this morning, and I named her Muerta.



The Black Chic Couch is the Black Panther’s “pet specific item,” also known as the “PSI.”


Here’s Muerta in the Pink Petal Gown that’s currently available at the Ganz eStore. I think it’s so pretty! You can also buy the Sparkling Tiara at the Ganz eStore.


Do you have a Webkinz Black Panther? Are you going to adopt one? Let me know in the comments!