A Closer Look: Wood Step Ladder

Today I have another Jumbleberry Fields prize to show you – the Wood Step Ladder. The Wood Step Ladder is a prize you can get by trading in a jar of Jumbleberry Jam.

wood step ladder

The Wood Step Ladder is interactive. Your pet can sit on the top:

wood step 1

Here’s a couple of different views of the Wood Step Ladder:

The Wood Step Ladder fits in well with the other country and barn themed items you can win in Jumbleberry Fields. I put mine in a room that’s still a work in progress. It has kind of a mixed theme of Jumbleberry jam making as well as a country kitchen:

wood step 4

Do you have the Wood Step Ladder yet? What kind of room would you put it in?


  1. I think it is neat that your pet can sit on the wood step ladder! Thanks for showing us that feature! I do not have the ladder yet, but it is sure cute! I think you put it in the perfect room with a country kitchen theme. Also love how your mud hippo is dressed! Too sweet!


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